/* Frontend Developer + Entrepreneur */
Who am I?
Well, I am a startup guy who discovered how rewarding building web apps felt.
I specialise in React and use a variety of tools alongside it, such as NextJS and Typescript, to get things done.
At heart, I am a team player who loves the synergy of collaboration with a dash of competition and would not be where I am today without it.
buttervoice.comFull-stack developer
ButterVoice is a web and future mobile app where you can share short, digestible audio clips for others to enjoy.
This is a personal project I have been working on in my spare time to sharpen my skills as a web developer. My goal is to create it first as a progressive web app, then eventually convert it into an IOS and Android application through Capacitor.
Co-founder | Frontend Developer | UI/UX Designer
Video Demo on RedditComova was a social platform for users to watch videos and play games together.
It was an ambitious project I was fortunate to be a part of that truly kickstarted my passion for front-end development. We worked with technologies such as WebRTC to enable voice and video streaming. To make users feel like they were in the same room, we designed a unique 3D voice chat system that allowed users to hear their friend's voices as if they were sitting right next to each other.
Co-founder | Business Development Manager | Graphics Designer
BacPoc Demo Day PitchBacPoc was a Lost and Found management system designed to centralise the Lost and Found process for organisations and individuals.
Part of Cohort 12 of the University of Sydney accelerator program INCUBATE, I mainly led the business aspect of the startup. At our peak, our system served universities such as the University of Technology Sydney and Australia Catholic University. We were also in talks with Mirvac and other Universities on getting them to adopt the system before the impact of Covid.
University of MelbourneDesign Computing | 2022 - Present
Harvard Business School OnlineNegotiation Mastery | 2021
Leadership Principles | 2019
Disruptive Strategy | 2019
University of Technology SydneyBusiness and Science | 2017 - 2018